Saturday, September 10, 2011

USAPL Push Pull Nationals

Push Pull Raw Open National Champion 275,s
benched 418
pulled 601 - nervous system shook like the Va earth quake but Sid was strong and held it for 2 white lights. Now that he knows he can do it the weight will start up again.

Sid's hardwork and aquired experience are really paying off. His gains and his meet plans have shown a great deal of growth. He now has two national championship titles to his credit. Raw Bench @242 open in the Charlottesville 2010 USAPL Bench Nationals and Raw Push Pull @275 open in the Zion Crossroads 2011 USAPL Push Pull Nationals. Good work Sid.

Deadlift Raw Open National Champion UNL
Deadlift Raw 60 to 64 National Champion UNL
Push Pull Raw Open National Champion UNL
Push Pull Raw 60 to 64 National Champion UNL

benched 402
pulled 551

The 402 bench press upped my previous Powerlifting Watch all fed Masters 60 to 69 raw World Record by 6 lbs. I finished both a 407 lb bench and a 564 lb dead, but they were so bad the refs ran out of cards to throw.