Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Back to the bench shirt!

Tonight will be my second session with the bench shirt after almost ten weeks hiatus. I took three lifts on Tuesday of last week. The first @ 425 had no problems, the second @ 455 I came up under the brackets, and the third @ 440 had no problems. On Friday I did ten reps @ 315 on the decline and then heavy lockouts off the brackets.

My shoulder hurts like hell during the warm ups, but it seems to diminish when I hit the 315 mark. This makes me think that tendonitis is potentially causing the pain. I really have no pain when using the shirt. So, tonight I will but the old guy sports cream on the shoulder before warm ups. Warm up with lighter weight until the blood gets pumping. Hit one at 275 and then 315. Throw the shirt on and put in half a dozen lifts.

Perhaps I will throw the tight shirt on (44) and do some real heavy lockouts.

Anyway, I wish everybody a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannuka, and a Great Kwanza, depending on your personal preference.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Banned Again!!

Well, it would appear that my big mouth and unusual sense of humor have once agin landed me in hot water. I have been banned from Dinos Gym. Apparently I made a remark to one of his customers that caused so much anguish that Dino felt it necessary to threatened to have me arrested and subject to bodily injury if I tresspassed on his premises ever again. He also leveled a number of other charges that I also have no idea where they came from. This all came out of the blue in an e-mail. I have no idea what he is talking about but that doesn't mean I am not guilty of being myself.
Unfortunately this means that Jim Pope will have to find someone else to spot and load for him on his Sundays off from work. I feel bad about that. Jim started working out with me because I could tailor my shedule to synchronize with his shift work . He was willing to travel all the way from Bluemont to Manassas for our work outs. I in return am very consistant and almost never miss a work out. I run my mouth the entire work out and Jim averages about eight words so that worked well for us also.
The problem arises from the availability of a gym that has squat racks (competition type) and will allow heavy dead lifting. Heavy dead lifting usually involves baby powder on the legs and this is very hard to clean up from anything that isn't a slick surface. Most fitness centers won't allow it to be used. Jim can't work out of a power rack or off a hack squat rack becuse these wont allow you to grip the bar out at the collars. I start with my grip inside then slide out to the collars after taking it out of the rack and sliding back in before racking. The weights that Jim squats are too high to be able to perform this maneuver.
I dont know what the future holds at this point. I am going to continue my workouts at Fitness Nineteen where I have very good relationship with the management. I hope that being myself doesn't screw that up as well.
This is certainly not the first time I have managed to anger someone without knowing how or why. Lord knows I do it enough on purpose. I am sure it will probably not be the last time either. I do regret the unintentional situations. I really do not want to bring problems with out cause or intent to people I have no animosity towards. Oh well, Se La Vie!