Monday, July 27, 2009

USAPL Raw Nationals Results:

Well the new kid (Brad Phillips 55 years old) out of Maryland handed me my butt in the squat and the dead lift on Sunday in Charlottesville. Despite the fact that I had PRs and new state records in all three lifts and total. The 385 bench press is a new National meet and American record as well. So I was second out of two with a banner day of lifting. Its ironic, if that is the correct use of the word, because in 2004 I won gold lifting equipped at masters nationals with a 585 kilo total. Sunday, five years later I beat that with a 600 kilo total lifting raw, but only placed second.

This is my 424 lb squat, 16 pounds over last year.

This is my 385 lb bench press also 16 lbs over last year

this is my 512 lb dead lift also 16 lbs over last year,

The meet was a great deal of fun. A very good job by John Shifflett and Willie Morris. Unfortunately it looks like Willie might have broken his hand when a lifter dumped the bar on the spotters. This is major breach of protocol/ethics/intelligence whatever you call it. Never dump the bar off on the spotters. You will not likely save yourself any more injury than you have already experienced but you will most likely seriously injure one or more of the spotters.

This brings me to a matter I need to clarify.

Willie Morris and I have had serious differences of opinion on judging over the years. This does not make him unique. I have differences of opinion about judging with many national referees. THIS DOES NOT DIMINISH THE RESPECT NOR THE FRIENDSHIP I HAVE FOR THESE INDIVIDUALS AS LIFTERS OR FRIENDS. It is merely a disagreement on judging.

Willie is still an incredible power lifter at 66 years of age. A multi-time world champion at three different weight classes and at least two age divisions in the Masters. He will give you sound advice and critique on your lifting and tell you when you have done a good job. He will also tell you if you are messing up and be correct most the time. He will jump in to help at whatever needs to be done. He will buy you a beer if you cant afford to buy him one. He has strong opinions and is man enough to tell you what they are and stand behind them. He thinks all women are princesses and should be treated as such. I like Willie and want everyone to know that I consider him a good friend.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Raw Nationals!

July 24 -26

Training has been going well. I am hitting the numbers on schedule as planned. I am staying injury free to date. Hotel reservations have been made. No need to fly, just a 90 minute drive to Charlottesville from Manassas. Pat and I will go down Saturday the 25th and stay over. I lift on Sunday the 26th. My weight is very close to where it was last year and ten pounds below SHW.

I am hoping to bump my numbers from last year by about ten pounds on each lift, which will put me over 1300. In 2004 I took gold at Masters Nationals in the M3 275's equipped with a 1290. I was 54 years old. Five years later I have a very realistic chance to beat that lifting raw.
As you might well imagine, I do not subscribe to the theory that you get weaker every year as a masters lifter.